
Exploring schools chaplaincy

Every youth worker wants to reach the young people in their community with the gospel, and what better opportunity to do so than to connect meaningfully with our local schools?

That’s why we sat down for an inspiring conversation with the Chair of Centre for Chaplaincy in Education (CCE), Mike Haslam, and the upper-school chaplain, Ruth Motion, to discuss the incredible opportunity of schools chaplaincy.

In this episode, we discuss…

  • the impact that school chaplaincy can make
  • how school chaplaincy differs from youth work in schools
  • how to navigate evangelism in a school context
  • how to set up a school chaplaincy or become a chaplain
  • common misunderstandings and pitfalls to look out for
  • helpful resources and training opportunities

This Limitless Leadership Podcast episode will open your eyes to a possibility you may not have considered before and inspire you to push some doors in your local schools.

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