
Greetings from Howard and Sue here in Andalucía, Spain.

We hope all is going well for you and that during this coming year you will receive many blessings as the Lord ministers His strengthening grace and peace in your life. He strengthens us when we are weak and gives us His wisdom when we are foolish which is reassuring as I am quite sure this applies to me. I think I hear you agreeing with me.

Thank you for carrying the vision God has for this country of Spain, for recognising the needs here in this beautiful country. So many people face difficulties and problems, businesses close as the economic downturn bites. The gospel which brings hope and security is needed to be taken to those who are perishing here.

Life has been busy with all the different things we are involved in as we try to spread the news and love of God here. I assume you too have been busy these past days.



We were so pleased to have our International Missions Director, Iain Hesketh on a quick visit with us here for a weekend. We must have worn him out and sent him back to the UK very tired. We picked him up from Malaga airport on Saturday morning and immediately travelled an hour and a half to Almuñécar in the province of Granada where we are planting a new church for him to meet our Pastora Patricia. After a lovely lunch we then travelled back a couple of hours to Guaro, inland from Marbella, so Iain could see and catch the vision of our ongoing Project in Guaro and then an hours drive to Benalmadena for a dinner with the Pastors of Benalmadena and Calahonda. The next day, Sunday it was a blessing to have Iain preach in Benalmadena and then after lunch to preach at Encounter Church, Calahonda, after which, we had dinner together and then Iain could finally relax/sleep and fly home Monday. A real flying visit.


We are still living with the consequences of Brexit, the Pandemic and the war in Ukraine. Everything has gone up in price. Food is so expensive, fuel!!! Everything seems to cost so much more, and we are experiencing a lot of people leaving, moving on. It´s been a steady trickle and that brings it´s pressures, especially in our church work.

coreWe have a great core group in the church, they are serving and loving one another from their hearts, however the core group is most of the church.

We are praying how to reach out in these next few months and ongoing. As you know we have done many outreaches over the years as part of our efforts to take the gospel to the people of Benalmadena and seek the Lord as to how we move forward.

We desire to see our town Benalmadena impacted by the gospel of Jesus Christ and working together with Pastors Marco & Lorena, pastors of our local Spanish evangelical church who we have had the privilege of teaching & training, we had 2 outreaches together in 2022.

In December we had a day of giving to the children in Benalmadena, each child that came left with a gift from our churches and we hope a clear understanding of what Jesus has done for them. Of course, all these outreaches are in Spanish and reach out to the Spanish speaking people.

ywamTogether we hosted a YWAM team from Chile who were here for a couple of months and were a wonderful blessing. They served in so many capacities, both physical and spiritual. Of course whenever a team comes it results in lots of hard work and resources from the host. We pray it will bear good fruit in the lives of the team from Chile and in those here in Spain.

We are pleased to say that we have had another new church recently opened in our town, the pastor & wife, Raphael and Aurora who we have known for many years. We rejoice they have opened; their style is very flamenco and Howard and I enjoyed supporting their Christmas outdoor flamenco & hot chocolate.

However, we have been called to go to the English-speaking people, not excluding the Spanish therefore we are seeking the Lord as to how we are to go forward. We have been building disciples and will continue to do so. We need the Lord´s strategy for this year.

I believe when I was seeking God about this during the past year, He said that He was going to do more than I can ask or imagine. So how do I pray for something I can´t ask for or even imagine. I am trying to prepare myself and others to be ready, we do not want to miss out. Howard and I have been working to have a united Christian presence here and we are thankful for the other pastors in our town. Although we are different in style, we are the same in our faith in our Supernatural, Almighty, All-Powerful Saviour.

standfirmLast year we experienced quite a few knockbacks, some aggressive upsets, they were a hard 12 months. But we have stood firm, we have done what we know to do and continue to stand firm. Our eyes of faith see great days and exploits ahead. Wonderful adventures to enter into, but our eyes in the natural see problems and difficulties, please join us in prayer to be able to take ground and see people saved.


We have a few young families who are coming along, Brazilian, Italian/Polish, Nigerian, Spanish/English who have their children in Sunday School and we want to provide a time for them, adults and children to be able to get to know one another socially and in the Lord. Six varied background cultures which makes for interesting times. We have more cultures in the wider church and I know we have ´Kingdom culture´ however we all do tend to have our cultures in the background. Wisdom is needed to make everyone feel loved and wanted.

Here is a little example of how easily people can be upset without them realising it is due to their cultural background. In Spain and other countries people address the minister as Pastor and consider it to be disrespectful to address the minister just by name. However, believers from other countries don´t have this same background. We had some leave last year because they were very upset that people call us Pastor, they figured this amounted to us considering ourselves high and mighty. Of course, we don´t, we are here to serve, not be served, but because of the way they saw things they eventually exploded and left. We were left saddened and slightly flummoxed.


As we move forward into 2023 Howard & I sincerely believe unity in faith and purpose is very important, therefore as we continue in our responsibilities as President (Howard) and Secretary (Sue) of the Elim Federation of Churches in Spain (Elim Spain) we are initiating more regular times of Share & Prayer within our Elim Movement nationally within the Consejo (National Leadership Team) of the Elim Federation & locally within our Elim churches in Andalucia, plus locally with the pastors of the churches within our town of Arroyo de la Miel/Benalmadena. Where there is unity, the Lord commands the blessing. Please join our prayers for the salvation of the people in our town and beyond.

We really need workers to enter the harvest field here, folks who are willing to go to the lost and lonely. Many can be found frequenting the local bars, there are families who are trying to make a living running bars, cafes etc.


Our Project in Guaro is underway again. Howard, Bruno and Lourdes are working hard to build a safe place for those who will need it. It will be a place of great blessing for many, although it isn´t going to be grand or posh, it will be where people will encounter the presence of the Lord, a place of peace and safety. The main building has its roof back on, a new bathroom, a new kitchen and windows. We are excited to see just how the Lord will use it as it comes to life. It´s nearly ready, although that may be a faith statement.

We are presently in the middle of clearing some of the tracks/paths on the land, digging holes for pipes, cables and a septic tank which will be delivered within the next 8 days, also constructing a storage unit. Things are advancing quickly at the moment.


Howard continues to produce our Christian radio programmes which continue to be broadcast via a local secular radio station that reaches both locally and many parts of Spain. Of course, via the internet it is available worldwide. Howard has faithfully continued to prepare a programme each week whilst the broadcasting door stays open.

We are not too sure what is happening to our TV broadcasts. The Gospel Channel in Iceland have faithfully sponsored our Christian programmes for many years and presently we are finding it difficult to contact them. We hope and pray all is well with them.

We continue to live stream the Sunday Service for those who are unable to attend the meeting, with many thanks to our team who work hard to ensure as good a broadcast as they can.


Our Leaders Conference at the end of October was hosted for the first time in the church of Pastor Gabriel, Elim Costa Brava. They worked very hard providing practically everything that made it easy for everyone who attended, meals for everyone who wanted one, snacks and coffee between meetings, childcare/ministry and a great welcome to each person as they arrived. Pastor Luc Favre, President of Elim France was our main speaker, Pastor Howard and Pastor Geoff Feasey also. We saw the Lords leading as each speaker was in harmony and the presence of the Lord was powerful as Noemi and team led us in praise and worship. It was the most anointed and powerful conference we have had, a Pentecostal movement. We may be diverse, but we go forward united in vision and purpose.

During the conference we had the great pleasure of presenting Pastor Gabriel who is now accepted on the Consejo (NLT) the ordination of 2 new pastors who have planted a church in Bisbal, Catalunia, Spain and accepted 7 new ministers in training, plus some who are going forward in their service in their local churches with a licence to minister.


Thank you for being a part of the Lord´s vision and plan for this place. Spain is so often overlooked because it looks good on the surface as a holiday destination, however there is a great need for the gospel. There are so many trapped in drugs, alcohol, homelessness, prostitution, lack of work, in despair and hopelessness. Your collaboration is truly appreciated.

Please pray that many more people and churches will feel called to sponsor the work here. We have experienced a great loss of revenue over the past few years and unfortunately all the bills still come. We trust the Lord will supply all the needs here. If you feel you would like to sponsor the Lord´s work here financially it would be greatly appreciated. For further information you can contact us/Elim Missions Office.


We are hoping to be able to be at the Elim Leaders Summit in Harrogate this May. If you are there please say hello if we don’t see you first, it would be lovely to catch up with you in person.

We would love to meet up with you if you will be at the conference too. Please let us know if you will be there.

God bless you
With love from
Sue and Howard

  more about the Coleys


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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!