
The McKillop's Newsletter: August - October 2022

Major Weir Reconstruction Work

Bible Schools are over for another year and what has been done is passed and we now focus on the New Year ahead. One of the things which troubled us during classes is ‘nuisance trips’ where power has cut and left us in the dark having to go to the Hydro and restart the generator.


RepairsFor some years leaks on the canal taking the river water from the highest point in our river to the Hydro has been leaking. This year the loss of water became critical and there was a real danger of total collapse as the canal, constructed 30 years ago, was undermined by significant erosion underground. In addition, the natural rock weir which holds the water back and directs water to the turbine had significantly eroded over time translating into a loss of generating power. After a few ideas were discussed and some discarded, the final idea of filling sacks with concrete and bedding them in on top of the natural rock worked perfectly.

We were very grateful to have had the help of Colin Breeze who was also involved in the civil works on the hydro 30 years ago. It was necessary to wait until later in the year when the river level is at its lowest, but this also coincides with the beginning of the ‘rainy season’. Juggling the low river levels with heavy occasional downpours made the work a real challenge. After a full day’s work plastering the canal walls a sudden rain storm washed the plaster off completely, which was somewhat discouraging! However, we made daily progress a matter of concerted prayer and thankfully the repairs were completed on schedule with the added ‘bonus’ of us now having so much more water available for power generation and the most stable power output from the turbine for many years.

All of the projects and jobs needing done around Nyangombe run concurrently with ministry to all age groups. It is never easy to juggle between „hands on jobs?, leave them, pick up notes and change gear into teaching mode. However we are grateful for every opportunity to prayerfully influence people?s lives for the Lord

Canal repairs and House building

CanalFinding underground water leaks is never easy! Colin brought a wet suit and dived into the canal to try and locate the most serious ones. This proved effective and concrete was poured where needed and all the walls plastered over chicken wire screwed to the walls. All repairs are proving a great success.

Charcoal cookingSybil had to bring into play an old skill from 40 years ago when she had to begin cooking on charcoal again. All missionary wives in Zaire cooked everything on charcoal braziers and brought up their young families this way. We had forgotten how time consuming cooking on charcoal really is and how early one has to get up to make a brew ready for 05:30!! It made us doubly thankful to get the canal refilled and power back on!

Colin was also able to give himself to working on a new house for Chris and Robin Kretschman. Following Colin?s departure, under supervision, our building and carpentry trainees have been honing their skills as they progress towards building completion. The house is well on schedule for Robin and Chris to move into on their return to Zambia in 2023. They have moved three times in the past six months to different houses within Nyangombe, so will be thrilled to occupy their new home.

New house

An excellent Bible School Year

We are grateful to the Lord for very good attendance at every Bible School held during 2022. This is also due to the excellent teachers both Zambian and from overseas who participated enthusiastically to make all the programs a great success. In many ways the teaching given at Nyangombe is unique. With every 60 church leaders attending for two to three weeks at a time, these men are then able to teach the same material in their own churches. This can mean that material taught may reach as many as 4000 people in distant congregations for which we thank the Lord. This has been an intensely „practical? newsletter but living in the bush necessitates this practical work in order for the team to minister effectively all the year round.

Thank you as always for your prayer and support,

Gordon & Sybil

  more about the McKillops

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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!