
Lynette Orange: December 2022 Newsletter

Isaiah 9:6 (ESV)
For to us a child is born,
   to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
   and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God,
   Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

December is always a busy time for many of us. We participate in lots of events and festivities. Christmas parties, carol services and not to mention all the yummy Christmas food to be enjoyed. I have chosen this verse from Isaiah 6:9 to reflect on. It is a reminder to me of what is really at the heart of all the celebrations, the greatest gift that God could have given to us. His son Jesus Christ.

Christmas season starts early in the Philippines in what is known as the 'ber' months. Beginning on 1st September the radio stations, malls and our office start playing Christmas music. There is such anticipation for Christmas, yet, sometimes the true meaning is lost. At City Gates this year we have been trying to change our focus away from thinking about what we need or what we can get to what we can give. We have been so incredibly blessed this year and we want to take that out to our community. It does not have to cost us a lot. In fact what it costs most is our time and effort, which is free! However, what it says though means so much more. It says "I love you" to a world that is feeling alone.

God gave us THE greatest gift. He is our Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace. I have needed all of those things this year! I pray that this Christmas you will receive that same gift.

Have a truly blessed and wonderful Christmas.


Merry Christmas from CGA to you!

Back to School Success!

schoolI admit that I was a bit nervous about the beginning of the school year. Having conducted distance learning for over 2 years I was concerned at just how effective we had been to ensure learning had been happening! The most crucial stages of learning are the Early Years, most especially for reading and language development. Our children were receiving all of the lessons through pre-recorded videos and although we tried our best to make it interactive it was very hard to assess just how much the children were taking in. Especially the little ones!

school1I needn't have worried so much! I have been so impressed with just how much the children have progressed in the 2 years. Our tablet project worked! A HUGE thank you to all who donated and prayed for us. Our children were not left behind and they have returned to school with only a few gaps for us to catch up on!


A small proportion of the shipment arriving at CGA Coron.


coron1In October I was able to travel back to Coron to visit our sister school, for which I am also responsible for their academic program. It was a very fruitful time as I was able to spend time with the teachers and level up their training and be hands on. These trips are so valuable and I am thankful for the great team we have in Coron, doing a fabulous job.

coron2I was also joined by 2 of our other staff members from Manila as we had a big job helping the team in Coron distribute and sort out a shipment of donations that had arrived. We had received a 40ft container filled with donations. God is truly blessing His work.


So blessed to work at CGA. This was teacher's appreciation day!

Small Group

smallgroupOur small group continues to go from strength to strength. We are currently completing a study on what it means to be a disciple of Christ. It is both challenging and encouraging as we read the word together and apply it to our lives. Please continue to pray for these young women as they seek to put God first in their life. (P.s. we also make time for fun too!)


Chester continues to bring joy to my life. As many of you ask me about him here are some bonus pictures of him living his best life!

chester1 chester2

Prayer and Thanksgiving

  • CHRISTMAS! Christmas is just around the corner and we have so many events planned. Pray we have great opportunities to share the greatest gift of Jesus.
  • Thankful for a successful first half of the school year. Please continue to pray for the second half. For us to make an impact both academically and spiritually in the lives of the children. For wisdom for me in how to craft the curriculum and guide the teachers.
  • Please continue to pray for my small group as we study and grow together.
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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!