It’s always more fun on Friday at City Gates!

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.’
Colossians 3:17

Reeve's Supporters Newsletter November 2022
Knowing when the time is right!

It is with mixed emotions that we want to share some important news with you all.

After much prayer and consideration, we been led to a decision to leave the Philippines and resettle back in the UK in January 2023. As you can imagine it has not been an easy decision but one, we feel is right for us personally and for our family at this time.

We know it will be with mixed emotions that we leave the place we have come to know as home for the past three and a half years and to say goodbyes.

We have been blessed to have had the opportunity to be Elim missionaries and to serve with the team here at City Gates, Coron and the wider team in Manila. There is an amazing team here and we know that God will continue to grow His kingdom here through them.

We have learnt so much and have been so thankful for all your support, encouragements, and prayers during our time here.

We would really appreciate your continued prayers for us and the team as we prepare to leave Coron and hand over our responsibilities here. Prayers would also be appreciated for us as we prepare to transition and settle back in the UK. There is a lot to do and think about, but we are trusting God and His plans for the future.

Thank you!

“For You (Lord) are my rock and my fortress; For Your name’s sake You will lead me and guide me.” Psalm 31:3

Community Outreaches

Light Party

Light partyIt was great to offer an alternative to the traditional Halloween party by having a Light Party for all who attend the children’s clubs. We joined all the clubs from different areas together in two batches at City Gates project to hold one party in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Light partyWe had games, worship, a video bible story, and an illustration that shared how Jesus is the light of the world and how they can shine their light in the world. There were also craft activities and of course food.

We were thankful for the youth volunteers and all the mums who came to help, the event would not have happened if they hadn’t been willing to help!

We are now planning and arranging for our events for the Christmas season!

Volunteer’s Celebration Day

VolunteersCity Gates is so blessed to have so many amazing volunteers who help in various ways with the Children’s clubs and other activities. We have youth that lead the clubs, the parents who help cooking, prepare the areas and gathering the children.

To thank them all for all their dedicated service, they were treated to a day at the pool of a local hotel.

VolunteersThe parents also brought along their children, who loved the pool. They loved it so much that they all had red eyes by the end of the day due to swimming so much!

The youth volunteers did a BBQ, and Clothes have been given to the everyone contributed with cooking delicious dishes. It was a lovely feast school parents and church members. and a great way to honour our wonderful volunteers.

Boxes of Blessings!

Boxes of blessingIt has been a blessing to receive a shipment of donated items and equipment from a Crossroads Charity based in Hong Kong. It was possible to receive these items due to City Gates Coron Elim Sponsors who donated the cost for shipping. We have been able to bless many people so far with a variety of things.

Boxes of blessingClothes have been given to the school parents and church members.

Boxes of blessingBlankets to some senior citizens in the local area. T-shirts to the local children’s basketball training school, also to the local Zumba group. Wheelchairs to those in need. Toys to the day-care centres locally. Shoes to the children in the local elementary school. Backpacks to our youth to name just a few. We still have more items to distribute, which will take place up to and over the coming Christmas season.


ChurchChurch attendance is really growing, we are getting more adults attending and around 30+ children, some coming with their parents but some regularly coming on their own. The children are really enjoying Sunday School. It is opportunity to explore the bible story they did in Children’s club in more detail, to do a fun craft and to enjoy the games and action songs. It is wonderful that they join with the whole church for worship before Sunday school. The worship is often in Tagalog so they can worship in their own language.

The adults continue to gather after the service for a time in small groups to explore how the sermon applies to their lives and to have a time of prayer, fellowship, and refreshments.

Please pray for those attending Church that they will continue to develop their personal relationship with Jesus.

Youth Fellowship

The youth leaders are holding a regular mid-week meeting where currently they can have fellowship, pray, explore their faith, and share with other young people, some of whom do not attend the Sunday services.

Please pray for the leaders and for more of the young people in the group to come to know Jesus as their personal saviour.

City Gates Academy

United Nations Day Celebration

UN celebration daySchool is now in full swing, and it was amazing to celebrate United Nations Day at City Gates Academy. The children and parents competed for prizes in best costumes, dancing, cooking international food and children were awarded little Mr and Mrs United Nations. The parents worked hard to make amazing costumes from recycled materials, and they all looked great!

Teacher Ivy and Teacher Tin did a wonderful job of organising the event and even a power cut did not stop the event from being a success!

Birthday and Wedding Invitations!

BirthdayIt was a joy to be able to celebrate Kim’s 18th Birthday, she is one of our youth volunteers serving here at City Gates. We were also invited to the 7th Birthday party of Queenie, who is an ex-student of City Gates Academy.

BirthdayWe had the privilege of being invited to Rose and Melvin’s (ex-parents from the school) wedding which was part of a mass wedding ceremony arranged by another church. It’s always lovely to see our parents commit to each other and in so doing hopefully giving a more stable home life for the children.

BirthdayIt’s always an honour to be invited to these celebrations.

Praise and Prayer

Thank you for your prayers.

  • Please pray for the team here as we have a busy time of events leading up to Christmas, pray for health and wisdom in all that we are doing, and that people will receive from God at these events.
    • 28th November – Thrive party for City Gates students – Thrive is a charity that partners with CGA to provide healthy food to the children.
    • 14th December – Gospel outreach and feeding at Guadalupe Elementary School
    • 17th December – City Gates Academy Nativity combined with Children’s Club Christmas party, possible 400 children attending!
    • 19th December – City Gates Academy children and parents Christmas party
    • 20th, 21st and 22nd December – Simbang Gabi (Traditional evening services on the lead up to Christmas)
    • 23rd December – Christmas Worship service followed by Church Christmas party
  • Also personally, we would appreciate your prayers as we handover our responsibilities, pack up our home of three and half years and say difficult goodbyes to those we leave behind.

Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter, we are so thankful for all your support and could not be doing any of this work without you.
Many Blessings
Love from Andrea and James

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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!