Macedonia Update November 2022

Thank you for reading our latest update from Macedonia.

I must visit Rome

At the beginning of last month we joined in online with a day for leaders within King’s Church Warrington. The teaching was outstanding but one message that springs to mind as we write this was from the book of Acts. In Acts 19:21 Paul declares, “I must visit Rome”, and he did. In order to get there though he endured, amongst other things, beatings, imprisonment, storms at sea, shipwreck and a snake attack. Eventually, over two years later he finally arrives in Rome. We were reminded that things don’t always happen immediately but take time and we will face challenges and delays, but the work of God must continue and we must press on. This was a huge encouragement to us as we reflect on situations that have brought delays to plans or have not gone quite the way we expected them to. We will continue to press on, taking hold of what God has called us to.

Church at Home

During October we had the joy and privilege of hosting two church services in our home. As many of you know we believe that the home is a key site for the church family to gather and as a base for mission, and therefore we were delighted to be asked to host the services.

For the first service the apartment was packed. If we had a cat, there is no way we could have swung it! We held a family communion service with an all-age message about the wise and foolish builders and a time of worship and prayer together, fuelled with copious quantities of coffee and biscuits! On the second occasion, we had been asked to host because the majority of the church were away (It seemed everyone was scheduling a conference of some kind that weekend!), so we held a more intimate service with a smaller number and enjoyed a bring-and-share lunch afterwards.

Both of these occasions happened due to particular circumstances meaning we were unable to meet for a Sunday service in our usual setting, however we hope that people have had a taste of how the home can be used and we are keen that there will be many more occasions to meet in this way and that people from our local community can come and be part of engaging with God in this context.

Kisela Voda

Our ministry at the Kisela Voda drug rehab centre is now back in full swing after its COVID-induced suspension. We have made some new connections and rebuilt relationships with people we knew previously.

What is becoming increasingly clear is that those who attend the centre not only feel like they are the rejects of society but that they have extended that line of thinking to feel that God would also not welcome them. It has been special to be able to explain to them that not only does God desire to have a relationship with them, but that Jesus spent time with those in society who were considered ‘rejects’ when he walked on the earth.

We have unsuccessfully tried to meet up with those who seem open to the gospel, and, as this has not happened, we have decided to try something different. During November we will be testing a new strategy of trying to hold bible studies or perhaps even some kind of service at the centre during the times that we are visiting. It seems daft to try and arrange other times and places when those who are interested are already there! During a recent visit, Ian was unable to take his mind off the possibilities of the outdoor space being used as a place of worship, and we wonder if this might be something God wants to see happen.

During a recent prayer meeting, one of the people praying with us suggested that those who consider themselves rejects are the very kind of people who God brought to David to gather and form his first ‘army’, in 1 Samuel 22. We prayed that those who are in this situation today would gather to join the family of God and enjoy a life of purpose in Jesus.

Feeding the Homeless

Since the beginning of September Ian and the children have been going into the city centre each week to take sandwiches for those begging on the streets. In Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus teaches that when we care for the vulnerable in practical ways, in his name, we are actually doing it for him. This scripture has formed the basis of what we do: we give out food in his name. We already have a few regular recipients. Having ‘piloted’ this work over the past couple of months we are hoping to now invite other families from the church and community to join in.


Thank you to all of you who take time to pray for us. Please would you pray about the following things:

  • Please give thanks for all the good news: some of the new relationships we have made in our community, the opportunity and privilege of hosting church services in our home, and for the investment from our sending church.
  • Please pray for more families to join in with the homeless feeding.
  • Please pray that those who attend the Kisela Voda Centre would come close to Jesus and be transformed by the gospel truth.
  • Please pray for our health in this season as smog season is now well upon us.

Thank you for taking the time to read our latest news. Please do get in touch with news of how things are with you!

Ian, Katie, Kristen and Josiah.

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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!