Sophie in Cambodia

Newsletter September 2022


Back in Cambodia

It has nearly been 3 weeks now that I have been back in Cambodia. I often keep saying, "It feels like a dream that I am really back in Cambodia". For 2 years I waited and prayed about being able to return to this wonderful country and I am so thankful to God for the privilege of getting to live here again and serve in this precious place.

I had a long journey to get here and an emotional goodbye with my family in Northern Ireland, so I was very happy to see friendly faces when I arrived in Phnom Penh as I was met with some of my Cambodian family. Many of these people have been in regular contact with me over the past few years and it was wonderful to reunite with them and their kids who have all grown significantly since I last saw them.

The first few weeks have been busy as I have been reacclimatising to the weather, culture, food and Cambodian lifestyle. A few days after I arrived Iain Hesketh the Elim Missions International Director and Mandy Campbell who is part of the Elim missions staff, arrived in Cambodia, with them was Christina who is a wonderful support and encouragement to our BeFree organisation here in Cambodia. It was great to have these guys here as I was adjusting back to Cambodia. I am really thankful for the support of Elim Missions and everyone who works there who has been involved in my journey coming back to Cambodia. Roy Johnston and Pamela Moore from the Irish Missions office have also been invaluable in encouraging and supporting me in on this journey and I want to thank them again for all their help.


It has been an emotional time as I process the people and life I have left in Northern Ireland. The week that I arrived in Cambodia we heard the sad news about our Queen's passing. When key events like this happen, it can make the distance between home and here feel even greater. I was thankful to be able to go to a memorial service for the Queen that was held in the city, and it was at the British Ambassador's house. It was a special way to mark this significant occasion and join in memory with others.

I am currently in the process of looking for a place to live. I have already been busy looking and have seen quite a few places. My main focus is the location, safety and a place where I can rest. I appreciate prayers for this process as it can be challenging in a different culture and language.

Last week I was able to purchase my little moto. I have been able to practice this week on it around the roads that I know near the church. I do love the freedom of driving it and I will hopefully progress to the 'bigger' road as my confidence grows. The roads here are very busy and it is a good test of hazard awareness at every corner. At any moment, there may be a moto, car, bicycle, person, animal or tuk-tuk coming in your direction!


Over the weekend and into next week is the Pchum Ben holiday here in Cambodia. It is a Buddhist holiday and one where many people from the city will go back to their home provinces to be with their families and take part in the traditions associated with this holiday. I am staying in the city - which is now very quiet as the roads are much less busy as the majority of the people are in the provinces. It has been a time I am using to rest and refocus for the next week ahead.

One final praise report was that last week there was a Church planting conference at Elim Church in Cambodia. Many of these pastors have been meeting for a few years. They have been learning about church planting, discipleship and connecting as believers in this country. It was really encouraging to see these strong, faithful men and women of God share their vision and heart for their people to know about the transforming power and love of Jesus.


Finally I would just like to say a massive thank you to each and every person, church, family and friend who has supported me and joined in this journey for my life. I would not be here without you all. I look back on all the new people God has connected me with during my time in Northern Ireland. Please believe me when I say you are all so important on this journey and I continue to thank God for these wonderful connections.

Until next time, Sophie

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray that I will find a suitable place to live here in Cambodia.
  • Safety as I drive the moto and continue to grow in confidence using it.
  • For families as they begin to travel back to the city after this holiday period.
  • This week I will begin lessons to continue studying to learn the Khmer language.
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