Corabia Foundation Newsletter -  Summer 2022

Liz Face

Catching Up

During the months at the height of the pandemic, like everyone else, we were forced to temporarily halt our children`s and teens` programmes as well as close the doors of the Roma church. Many in the Roma community were suffering hardship as they were unable to travel to sell goods and labour as they would normally do due to the strict travel restrictions. With the help of the Elim Relief Fund we were able to join with the local mayor`s office in providing food parcels for those most in need as well as help for some with medical care.

Re-starting the children`s programmes


When most of the restrictions had been dropped we re-started the midweek children`s ministry. At first, we held the programmes outside and then as the weather changed we moved indoors with everyone wearing masks and taking the same precautions as the teachers and children were doing in school. The children have been very enthusiastic about coming and we`ve had consistent numbers attending both the Roma and the Romanian groups. We have seen many new faces, particularly among the Roma and I`m excited that we continue to reach new generations for Christ.

Ukrainian family


In March I drove up to Sighet, a small town on the Romanian /Ukrainian border to pick up a family of five. Lerochia, her two small children and her teenage brother and sister had escaped from the bombing in Kyiv and were relieved to be safe but heartbroken at having lost their home and having to leave behind the men of the family. They enjoyed their short stay with us before moving to an apartment loaned to them by a family friend.

For some years we have had a connection with Pastor Ruben Hojer and the Viborg International Church in Denmark receiving much material help from their Cluj base. A close friendship has developed and we have been very happy to receive them as they come and speak in the Roma church here in Sanpaul and bring teaching to our young folk and the Teens Bible study. On two occasions (with a third planned in November)church leaders from the local village churches have come together to hear very practical training on church growth and discipling from Pastor Ruben.

Group Training

We have been happy to host a group called Catalyst Romania on several occasions. They are a youth work from here in Cluj and a friend of ours, Petrica, is one of the leaders. They come from time to time to do a weekend of training with about twenty young people being involved. It`s great to see enthusiastic young people being equipped to spread the gospel and become youth leaders themselves and exciting to see how God is using this place.

Goodbye to the Lawrences


On 25th May our American colleagues and dear friends, Paul and April Lawrence and family, returned permanently to the USA after serving here in Romania for seventeen years. They will be sadly missed by us all, especially by those in Sinpaul where Paul taught God`s word on Sunday mornings and both he and April ministered to the many needs of the people in the Roma community there. We give them our heartfelt thanks and pray for them as they settle in to life in America asking God to direct their next steps. It will be an enormous change for them all especially Sienna, Cedric and Aidan who have grown up in Romania.

Mission Teams

It has been around two and a half years since we had anyone visiting on mission and nearly three years since we hosted a mission team here so we are very excited to be welcoming a team from Westport, Southern Ireland at the end of this month. Apart from one member of the team it is the first time they have been here. We have a busy week planned with children`s holiday clubs , a teens event, ladies meeting, open air and Sunday morning service in Sinpaul.


Jul22-4Many of you reading this will know Iulia well. She has been a part of the work here since the beginning fulfilling several roles. Last July we attended her wedding to Daniel and on the 24th of June this year Tudor arrived. Welcome little man God bless you and many congratulations to Daniel and Iulia.

Prayer Points

  • Pray for the Westport team as they prepare for mission and for their time here
  • Pray for the Lawrences as they seek God`s next steps for them and particularly for Paul`s health and effective treatment of his mobility issues
  • Pray for more full-time help with the work
  • Pray that we are able to recommence the teens work

Give thanks for

  • Safe arrival of Tudor
  • Provision of finances and resources throughout the last two years when we haven't had teams
  • Answers to prayer regarding needing more translators for the children`s work
  more from Liz Face

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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!