
 From left to right - Kojo Woods, Michelle Nunn, Chris Cartwright (Elim's National Leader), Harold Afflu, Mark Ryan

New members join Elim's national leadership

Four new members have joined our National Leadership Team (NLT) following a national vote of Elim ministers and church lay representatives.

Every four years, members of the NLT members are elected. Following a vote in May 2022, existing members Steve Ball, Stuart Blount, David Campbell, Duncan Clark, Dominic De Souza, James Glass, Paul Hudson and Edwin Michael were re-elected.

In addition, the nominees Harold Afflu, Michelle Nunn, Mark Ryan and Kojo Wood, who are all serving Elim ministers, were accepted and welcomed onto the NLT at Elim's annual business conference in May. With 13 members now serving on the NLT, they help to widen the representation of leaders from our churches alongside those who serve in national and regional capacities.

Working together, Elim's National Leadership team is led by Chris Cartwright, who has served as the General Superintendent of the Elim Pentecostal Church since May 2016. In an interview earlier this year, Chris reminded the Movement that Elim's vision for 2022 remains focused on advancing our common mission.

“Advancing isn’t about a big push, plan, initiative or programme though. It’s about every one of us advancing in maturity with Jesus in discipleship and sharing in our neighbourhoods and communities.

“It’s advancing the things that God’s been putting on our hearts around our priorities and making disciples, developing leaders, growing and planting healthy churches and reaching nations.

“I’ll back that up with being mission-hearted, though. We have to be kingdom people. More and more in the next few years, I think we’re going to see evidence of kingdom partnerships and ministry in the UK that trump denominations or brands.

“I think God is going to bless that and really multiply the outcomes for his kingdom’s sake.

“We’re seeking to work together across our ministries and departments to resource local churches. It’s not a time to be rolling out lots of centralised departmental plans.

“It’s about getting close to churches in local communities and the regions and networks within the Elim family to ask, ‘How can we help you? How can we resource, support and flow into what God is already doing?’”


Introducing our new NLT members who lead Elim churches

Harold Afflu is currently the Senior Pastor of Ipswich International Church. In addition, he serves on Elim's Ministerial Selection Board, the Metropolitan East Regional Team and has an active role in supporting Elim Prayer.

Michelle Nunn is the Senior Pastor of our Nantwich Elim Church. She is also a member of our Ministerial Selection Board, is a member of the North West Regional Team, and serves as a member of the Arbitration Board.

Mark Ryan is now Senior Pastor of Kensington Temple and Regional Leader of the London City Region.

Kojo Wood serves as the Senior Pastor of Elim Stevenage. He is Chair of Elim's Audit and Governance Committee and served as the first Chair of Elim's Finance Board.

Discover more about Elim's leaders, including our National Leadership Team, Ministry and Central Services teams at elim.org.uk/ourleaders

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