
Lynette Orange: June 2021 Newsletter

“Any news?”

“When are you going back to the Philippines?”

These are the most common questions that I am asked and for which in the past 12 months I have had the same answer. Still waiting. As the months go by, the pain of this same response and the frustration of the waiting grows.

Who of us likes waiting? Not me, for sure! I wouldn’t purposely pick the longest queue in Tesco or Sainsbury’s to pay for my shopping. When planning a route I set my Sat Nav to the shortest and quickest route. Everything I do I try to do with efficiency and pace.

My impatience often comes from a sense of feeling out of control or time wasting. I imagine all the things I could be doing and are restricted from doing as I have to wait for my turn. Sometimes, I even try to speed up the process by changing lines, only to find out that the line I was in suddenly went faster. My efforts were futile!

But what God has been teaching me these past few months is that the waiting is not futile, because He is working to make all things good, in His time. I am also learning not to rely on my own strength but to allow God to work to make things possible. I am so guilty of trying to make things happen, even now I follow up every day with the various government agencies. The first news I check in the morning is the Philippine news to see if there is an announcement for re-entry. All in a desire to “make it happen”.

What I have realised is that God has purpose in the waiting. It is only in the waiting that God can slow me down enough to make me listen, to be still and know that He is God. To know that it is not by might, nor by power but only by His spirit. Until that day when He says “yes” He asks me to wait patiently and allow Him to work and He is still working and He wants me to stay focused on Him in prayer and in faith as there is still more He wants to teach me!

I am not sure what you are waiting for? If you are waiting for something? Can I encourage you, whilst in the waiting room to stop striving, allow God to speak to you and know that He is still working, even when you rest. “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.” Ps 37:7 NKJV


A crazy day out with my Dad and Nephew as we visited football stadiums in London!


Volunteering with St. John's 2 days a month at the local vaccination centre.


Editing graduation and end of year videos for School Year 2020-2021

With God, Nothing is Impossible!

pic5This was our theme for our end of year celebrations and graduation. It is testimony to the fact that with God, nothing is impossible! This time last year we faced an impossible situation. How do we take quality education to our students, with no internet access and no resources? We had no technology and no funds. An impossible situation! Yet, we have an incredible God, who is a God who loves to take that which is impossible and make all things possible! God provided EVERYTHING we needed so that over 110 children received the best education we could offer and no child was left behind.

BWA Gala Night

pic6Over the past few years I have been very thankful for the partnership with the British Womens Association in the Philippines. Even more so this year as they have stood with us and helped us in times of great need. They have provided support for a teacher, SD cards and much needed funds for food relief. It was a great to be able to join their online gala fundraising night in June. Lockdowns, travel and social gather restrictions have not prevented their ability to continue raising funds and thinking of others!

Training and Preparation

pic7With classes ended for the summer break the work continues as we prepare for the new school year. Despite the distance we are meeting regularly online and I have become very used to hearing the sound of my own voice as I prepare and edit training videos. We hope to have 4 new teachers join us this year and with some new ideas and concepts I am excited for what will be achieved this year!

Prayer and Thanksgiving

  • Thankful for a successful, yet challenging school year and the fantastic progress the children made in their learning.
  • Pray for the new school year, the new teachers to settle in and our new parents and students.
  • Pray for my return, that the door will be opened at the right time! Still the same!
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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!