Elim Cambodia

Newsletter March 2021

“For nothing will be impossible with God” Luke 1 v 37

Today we take courage knowing that our God is the God of the impossible. We believe in his faithfulness and goodness to help us through the storms of life.

Cambodia is currently going through a challenging time. The effects of Covid-19 are impacting everyday life for people and it is a concerning situation. We ask that you would join with us in prayer globally about the pandemic and in doing this you will remember the people of Cambodia.

Phnom Penh News


Phnom Penh

As stated above, this past month has been difficult for Cambodia. The number of covid-19 cases is increasing daily. For a country that has dealt so well with this pandemic and has managed the situation previously it is concerning what is currently happening.

The government have imposed curfews, travel bans between provinces and now travel in certain areas of Phnom Penh has been restricted. Schools are closed and so are churches. This is all to help stop the spread of the virus in the community.

The family of Elim Cambodia are continuing to do church online and are trying to support the church people as best they can during this time. Many people are without jobs and business are closed. For people who may have already been in need, this current situation may make things even more difficult for them.

Be Free Cambodia and The Early Learning Centre

Be Free

The staff and women from Be Free are still working from home. They are continuing to make crafts and doing the projects that they had started before this recent lockdown.

Sophea, our bible teacher in Be Free, is still teaching the bible and doing studies with the girls. Just before this most recent lockdown, she said that the girls were so encouraged in their hearts and felt a peace whenever they spent time with God.

Please remember these girls as they work from home that they will continue to meet with God and know his presence with them in their lives.

Early Learning Centre

2aThe same as all schools in Cambodia at this time, the early learning centre remains closed to the children.

Many of the children from church are also doing home learning. Please remember all of these children as they study from home. This can be difficult for the children as re- sources may be limited and it is another big change for the children and their families.

Great News from the church planting team

Recently a group of people from Asian Outreach who are working in Steung Treng, one of the provinces in Cambodia, went to visit one of the villages there. The village required a well as it was not easy for the people there to access clean water. Asian Outreach have had experience providing wells in villages before and this was something they felt would be essential in this village. We have links in Steung Treng and with Asian Outreach in Cambodia so we also encouraged them to set up this well and to spend some time in this village with the people there. We encouraged the team to spend time with the village chief and his family even after the well was installed. Everyone in the village was so happy and thankful when the well was installed and clean water was available in the village. The people danced and were so happy.


The community who received the new well

The team did stay on for a time in the village and spent time with the village chief and his family. The amazing news is that the chief and his family committed their lives to Christ. The team from Asian Outreach encouraged this family and will continue to support them in this wonderful journey they are on. We also hope to visit this family and the people in this village whenever the travel restrictions lift in Cambodia. We thank God that even during this difficult time when we are in lockdown and curfews have been set – God is still saving lives and he is doing great things here in Cambodia.

Prayer Points

  • Please pray that the current restrictions and curfews in place will help towards curbing the spread of the virus.
  • Some people have already received a vaccine for Covid-19. Please pray for the roll out of this vaccine programme to continue.
  • This month Cambodians celebrate the Khmer New year. It is the biggest celebration in their calendar year. This year, many people will not be able to travel to see their families in the provinces. The celebrations will look very different.



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