
When the only thing in life that matters is your colouring!

Disclaimer: In many of the photos the children & adults are not wearing facemasks, this is because we are visiting them in their homes. Be reassured all the volunteers are wearing facemasks and adhering to the locally prescribed hygiene standards.

Reeve's Supporters Newsletter February 2021
Growth, Love & Tiger Trap!

We want to start by sending our love and greetings to you all. We want you to know that you are in our thoughts and that we continue to pray for you especially for your health and protection during this pandemic. We praise God that there seems to be hope of change as we look forward towards spring and summer. We thank you for your continued support, prayers and consistent love.

Community Outreaches

The 10 established children’s clubs each week continue to go well and are enjoyed by all attending so much that they are bringing more friends along. We praise God for this growth.

In January, the project van needed a trip to Manila to have a factory fault fixed and to receive a service. We were blessed that we could continue with the outreaches using motorbikes and the project old Multi-cab.


Not sure it would pass a UK MOT!

Where there is a will there is a way! We have been blessed that the weather has been good as there is less protection from the elements using these vehicles! We are expecting the van back soon and are looking forward to the arrival inside the van of some boxes for the project from family and friends in the UK.

Children’s Clubs – Love in Action

Valentine’s Day is celebrated by all in The Philippines and we held special children’s clubs to mark the occasion.


Children played a relay game to “find the hearts” and enjoyed making their colouring special with different coloured glitters. It is good that the children’s clubs are held outside as glitter was blowing everywhere and onto us all!! The children loved receiving a heart shaped lolly along with their regular hot food.

We shared the message of how much Jesus loved them and would always be there for them. The children heard how much Jesus wants them to love Him and how they could accept Jesus into their lives.


It so wonderful seeing the children listening so intently during the messages and they are always so keen to interact and answer questions. We pray for God to continue working in these young lives.

Small Groups / House Churches

The small groups with are going well. We are seeing the parents now are frequently ready and waiting along with the children when we arrive.


On Valentine’s week, we started a small adult’s group with the three parents in one of the small children’s clubs held in a family home in Dimanyang. Please pray as they are starting to share more of their lives and prayer needs.


At one area, Kinsedias, where a small adults group began at the end of last year, there is a genuine desire from them to know more of Jesus. We praise God that during a small group last month the women accepted Jesus as their Lord and saviour. Please pray for their growth as Pastora Riza disciples them and for plans to begin joining the children and adults for a time of worship before separating for the children’s club and small group study and prayer.

We are so thankful for sponsors and the Elim Relief Appeal which opened opportunities such as these, by first just feeding and building relationships before starting the children’s clubs and then these small groups. We are starting to see the strategy we devised due to the pandemic starting to bear fruit. We praise God for this and thank everyone for their continued support in helping make this possible.


Church services continue Sunday mornings, and we praise God that the numbers of youth attending are becoming more consistent. Over the coming month the youth are taking time to really focus on their personal relationship with God and to seek God’s purposes for them as individuals. We are praying for them to hear from God and for the Holy Spirits guidance in their lives. We pray they will be refreshed and will know what way God is leading them to serve in the future.

Please pray for Pastora Riza and us as we build relationships and help to disciple these young people and other regular church members.

New things learnt


Don’t panic wild tigers don’t freely roam the island!
This is actually the building of a new septic tank at home. Thankfully, it was completed in 5 days and so far, is all working well!!

All Change!

After prayerful consideration Teacher Jhen has decided not to renew her contract with City Gates and so will be leaving us at the end of March. We will be sad to see her go; it’s been great to have seen her grow and develop during her time with City Gates Academy. We thank her for her commitment and all she has done for the project. She will be missed, and we pray God blesses her as she follows His leading in her life.


Teacher Ivy & Teacher Jhen

We thank God for his provision for the project and we are so pleased to welcome Teacher Ivy back to the team this week. She left to have her baby boy, Osy in 2019 so it is great to have her back. It is a blessing this will allow a transition period for her and Teacher Jhen. We are still praying that God will provide additional helpers for the community outreach ministry.

Life at Home

We have been renting our home in the village of San Nicolas now for just over one year (time flies!). It is great that we seem to be well accepted by people in the local area. We know who we need to go to for different things, who does the best pork BBQ and who could lend James different tools for some DIY when it has been needed!


The neighbour’s children are regular visitors to our home. They come to chat with us and have started to come for times of drawing, colouring, face painting and playing games. We even had a visit from a neighbour’s new chicks! It is a pleasure to get to know the children and to have opportunity to share God’s love with them.


Praise and Prayer

Thank you for your prayers.

  • We praise God for His provision of Teacher Ivy joining the team.
  • We thank God for the increasing numbers of children attending the children’s clubs.
  • Pray for the planning and preparations for outreaches over Easter and a summer school programme following that.
  • Pray for the adults who are eager to attend the small groups, for deepening of faith through the ongoing discipleship.
  • Pray for the church youth as they take time to deepen their personal relationship with God and seek where He is leading them to serve in the future.
  • Pray for God to prepare the hearts of people who may be able to join the team and also volunteer so that we could expand the work here.

Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter, we are so thankful for all your support and could not be doing any of this work without you.
Many Blessings
Love from Andrea and James

Read the full newsletter here

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