King's Kids Newsletter from Indonesia February 2021

Hi, greetings from our big family in Indonesia! We trust you are all well and knowing Gods blessing in this uncertain time. It has been quite the year for everyone, with more challenges than ever before, no one has escaped the effects of Covid including our ministry but I am delighted to report we are all happy, healthy and have adapted well.


We have been homeschooling 26 children since March last year! In the beginning it was chaos and a major juggling game with such a demand for devices to complete online tasks. We had to quickly buy and acquire as many laptops and hand phones as possible to cope with the demand and were very blessed to receive enough to keep up with the kids assignments and online classes.

The kids miss their school, their teachers and friends, their freedom, but have coped really well with home school on the whole, it has been a challenge for myself and my staff to keep up with each child and their schooling, making sure they are completing all the tasks and submitting them on time, our brains have been stretched to learn maths with the kids in order to teach it, certainly a challenge for me anyway! After almost a year of home schooling we have settled into a routine that seems to work for us all and the kids have managed to keep or even improve their grades.

2-3Since last update we have received a few new children and a single mother with her two children, Putri, 12 and her sister Sheril, 9 are pictured, the mum and her children cant be shown for security reasons, she fled from an abusive husband. To date we have 32 children living with us, 3 mothers and 7 staff. Our house is pretty full and we have a strong desire to rent a house so we can separate the mothers with their children from the children’s home in order to provide a more focused and personalised help for them. We plan to have them living under our leaderships but we have a wonderful Godly couple who are being called to head up this ministry and we are excited to see where God will take it. The young mothers will be taken through a discipleship program, will receive counseling and be supported in building a new independent life for themselves and their children. We are praying for people who would like to come along side this project and be willing to support the ministry both financially and prayerfully. We are currently looking for suitable accommodation and will launch this new ministry as soon as we have it.

4Memey in this picture here has been with us since she was just 2 years old, we have watched her grow from a little tot to a beautiful gentle young woman, she has graduated high school and has now moved on to University. It gives us great joy to see her going on to further studies and we want to be able to support her in that as much as possible. We are praying for some people who would like to help pay her university fees which work out at around 50 pounds a month, Memey has chosen to study Business Management.

5-sOne of the blessings of this year was due to schools being online I was able to make it back home for my youngest sisters wedding in October, it was such a blessing to be able to meet with the whole family for an extended time and really enjoy precious quality time with them. Due to lockdown restrictions I was not able to visit churches and groups to share about the ministry which was a real shame although I have to admit I really enjoyed the rest and just being with family. We stayed for Christmas and my kids loved it, Judah got to experience snow for the first time too. Their English improved dramatically as they built strong relationships with all the family, again it was a precious and valuable time that I will treasure forever.

King’s kids missed us at Christmas but due to generous gifts they were still able to each receive a gift and enjoy good food and a time of worship and celebration, we were forgiven for our absence when we returned bearing chocolate!

Novi and I have been with this ministry for many years and it is a part of us. We are not planning on moving, however God is expanding our vision! We want to be able to provide training to young adults who have a heart to follow God wherever He takes them, we’d love if it was the next natural step for our kids as they grow up and out of our home and move into the next thing, it’s essential they are equipped with the right tools for the job and we are praying for the means and the people to help set this vision into motion, if you are interested in this or any of the above mentioned please do not hesitate to contact me directly for more information. I want to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all who have been apart of our journey in the past, present and who wish to continue into the future, it is exciting to see where God will take us if we are only open and willing. Please stand with us in prayer.

Prayer Requests

  • For a suitable, affordable house for our mums & babies ministry
  • For partners who are willing to stand with us and support our new venture
  • For one or more sponsors to help with Memey’s university fees
  • For wisdom on how and when to move forward with our training centre vision
  • For new staff and workers who are called to such a work
  • For continued support for our children’s home and our voluntary staff

If you are interested in knowing more about any of the above projects or just about us in general and ways you can be involved please feel free to contact me by email on, or WA +62821 4255 2728 we are always looking for people who would like to join our sponsor a child program or become a regular or one off supporter.

Here are a few pictures of some of our kids for you to enjoy …they get big so fast!

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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!