
Tales from the Macedonian Mission Field - November/December 2020

Scott Jackson

Well, what a time it's been the last few months. As 2020 has drawn to a close and we have started 2021, are you wanting to grow in your desire and expectation of what the Lord will do in and through you in this new season? I know I want to. In the midst of the ups and downs of last year, the Lord has not been distant from us, but wanting us to engage with Him throughout what has been going on, as I'm sure we have been doing.

Since I wrote my last newsletter, I have finally moved to Macedonia. I arrived on the 19th November, and what a rollercoaster it has been! From getting my own apartment, to completing the last few aspects of the visa process, and trying to settle in and engage in mission throughout it.

Praise God that He has provided an apartment in a good location, with good transport links. The apartment is big enough to utilise for discipleship and community with a slightly larger number of people here (when restrictions permit it). It has already started to be used in this way for a small group of people, which is encouraging. Please pray this goes from strength to strength.


Stip and MakHOP!

On Wednesdays, I am now able to join the team as we do mission and evangelism together in the city of Stip. This has led to some really positive conversations with people about Jesus. There have been multiple occasions where we have been able to give New Testaments away, pray for people, talk to them about Scripture, and on occasions give prophetic words for people. Please pray that God gives us the eyes to see where the opportunities are to begin to meet up in the homes of people, who like Zacchaeus want to invite Jesus in (Luke 19). Please pray also as we look to train and develop the team that is permanently based in Stip.

The work of the Macedonia House of Prayer continues (although with a slimmed down team as the Lord has led other team members onto new adventures in Him overseas), which I am able to join in with. As part of that, I am starting to meet with church and ministry leaders to introduce myself and begin developing a relationship with them. Moving forward, working together to look at what does it mean for the church to be a united house of prayer here in Macedonia. How this incredible endeavour can grow, firstly in our hearts, and then in our partnerships with each other to see the Kingdom of God grow in its roots here and expand, that He would be glorified.


We Are Built for Glory!

I am stirred in my heart as I write this in remembrance that we are meant for glory. Not in a selfish, self-centred way, but that the Body of Christ would be built up, that the Kingdom of God would come, to His glory. Christ in us, the hope of glory. Let us start this year, with a fresh expectation of who we are in Christ, our identity in Him. That because of the blood of Jesus shed for us, and our receiving and walking with Him by faith as our Lord and Saviour, we are now co-heirs with Christ. That we get to partner with Him in the amazing work that He is doing. Let us not forget who we are and what we are called to as sons and daughters of God Most High.


  • That the move to Macedonia was successful, and the visa process is completed.
  • For the provision of an apartment, in a good location for transport and connection.

Prayer Requests

  • For the mission in Stip. That the team based in Stip would be developed, and we would find people of peace who we can start to take on that journey of discipleship with Jesus.
  • For the mission in Skopje, as we look to build up the work of discipleship with Macedonians. Not just from an inward personal perspective, but training that they would also each see themselves as missionaries for Christ, sent ones for His glory with the call of the Great Commission upon their lives.
  • For the work of the Macedonian House of Prayer, as we lift up God's name with the desire to see this nation transformed for His glory. That the partnerships between the churches would continue to grow.
  • For language learning, that I am increasingly able to pick up Macedonian that I might be more effective in the mission.

Thank you for reading this newsletter. I love hearing how you guys are doing, so please stay in touch.

With love and Christ's richest blessings,

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