Disclaimer: In many of the photos the children & adults are not wearing facemasks, this is because we are visiting them in their homes. Be reassured all the volunteers are wearing facemasks and adhering to the locally prescribed hygiene standards.

Reeve's Supporters Newsletter December 2020
Christmas Greetings One & All!

Ready or not Christmas is upon us! We send warm Christmas greetings to all our amazing supporters. We trust that you have been able to start to enjoy some of the festive fun, albeit different this year.

WOW, What A Year!

2020 has been a year no one expected as Covid-19 has impacted all our lives. Our previous newsletters have shown the challenges it posed here in Coron, but we are so thankful as we reflect on the past year. God continues to open opportunities to continue building His Kingdom here. We want to especially thank you for all your continued financial support, prayers, and encouragements throughout 2020, we really could not do any of this without you.

We are thankful that Coron is now Covid free again and we are praying that during 2021 we will see a reduction in cases in other areas of the world. We pray that we will be able to visit the UK next year and thank everyone in person!

Children’s Ministry & Outreaches

We have started more Children’s Clubs in areas where we were feeding. We now have 10 a week and are seeing the success of these as the numbers of children are increasing each week. We are needing to take more chairs with us, borrow benches and be creative in making areas for the children to do their colouring, great problems to have! It is so wonderful to see the children interacting and becoming more confident in joining in with the action songs, bible message and craft.


As we could not gather all the children from different clubs for a large Christmas party this year, we decided to hold them individually. It has been a busy time of preparation to ensure the children enjoyed the games, song, and a puppet show ‘Donkeys Special Christmas’ telling the story of Jesus birth from the donkey’s perspective.


We are so thankful to everyone who gave financial support to make it possible to give out loot bags and a Christmas activity to not just the children at the parties but to all the children in the feeding programmes as well. We gave out a total of 600!!


We have been able to bless 150 families with Christmas food packs with rice and ingredients to cook spaghetti, a Filipino festive dish! A massive thank you to you all for your financial support and Elim Missions ERA funds making this possible.


Mental Health Help

We have continued to distribute mental health awareness leaflets to households. Also, to build links with the local Health Worker, she is always pleased to receive and distribute some of the leaflets to people she is in contact with. We pray that this small thing might just help someone at their time of need.

Small Groups & House Churches

We have also seen a growth in relationships with adults. The children’s clubs give the team opportunities to engage with their parents and to share the gospel with them as well. We are encouraged that small groups with adults are developing as a result of the relationship building.


Adult small groups in Digiboy 2 & Kinsedias

We continue to take food into other areas and give out a bible story and colouring for every child. We also continue to give out activity learning sheets for the children who are not currently registered at schools.


A little bit of extra water does not prevent anything in the Philippines!


Praise and Prayer

Thank you for your prayers.

  • Please pray that the Christmas messages the children and adults received will really speak into the lives of those who heard it.
  • Please pray for us, Pastora Riza and the team as we continue to develop relationships with the adults in the areas where the children’s clubs are held. Please also pray for the more developed small groups as we continue to disciple these adults.
  • Please pray for wisdom as we seek to adapt to whatever changes may occur in the New Year and to continue to move forward with the ministry.
  • Please pray that we continue to remain well and have opportunity to refresh during the Christmas break.

Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter, we are so thankful for all your support and could not be doing any of this work without you.
Many Blessings
Love from Andrea and James

Read the full newsletter here

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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!