Lynette Orange: November 2020 Newsletter

Many are the plans...


Teachers preparing video lessons

“You can make many plans, but the LORD’s purpose will prevail.” Proverbs 19:21 (NLT)

I am sure for many of us 2020 has not turned out quite like we had planned. It certainly has not been for me.

As you may have noticed I am still here in the UK. The Philippines has still not opened to my visa category yet. I am currently trying to apply for an exemption that will recognise me as a key worker and allow me to return but it requires a lot of different signatures and departments in the Philippines.


More boxes full of school supplies and donations


My first autumn in many years... its
getting a bit cold for me!

We have to trust that God knows the perfect timing for my return. As we start to make preparations for Christmas and 2021, one thing we can be assured of is that God is with us, He has gone before us and we can rest in that knowledge.

Let us remember that Jesus, our Emmanuel, is with us, we can face tomorrow and the following days with that assurance.

Learning continues

3A whole term into our distance learning and I have been so pleased with the results. It has been challenging at times as we have learned to adapt. The teachers are working so hard and producing quality videos. The children and parents have adapted well to using their tablets and watching their video lessons. I have been so impressed with the rate of learning and just how much progress the children are making.


4In the past month the Philippines has been hit by two powerful typhoons that have wreaked havoc on the area of Luzon. The most recent Typhoon Ulysses left many parts of Manila under water. Floods waters as high as 22 meters washed away houses and bridges and left hundreds of thousands homeless. Living Epistle and City Gates have been partnering, together with local charities who have donated goods, to feed and provide necessities such as clothes, blankets and toiletries to those affected. There is a just giving campaign and if you felt you wanted to help please feel free to visit our page.

No more eagles in the chicken coop...

5It was a real honour and privilege to share my testimony and story at Rugby Elim on 22nd November. A story that began 10 years ago and involved an eagle and a chicken coop! I hope from my story you can be encouraged to follow Gods calling upon your life and step out for Him and His mission, wherever you are. If you wanted to hear more you can watch the service on YouTube or Rugby Elim Facebook page.

With love always,


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