Elim Cambodia

Newsletter September 2020

Greetings from Sokhom



Early Learning Centre Manager

I want to thank you all for your love and care for our children here in Cambodia. It has not been an easy few months but we are so glad to see the children’s faces as they come to the ELC each day.

I pray and hope that you and your family are well during this time.

God Bless,
Love Sokhom

Behold, children are a heritage and gift from the Lord.”. Psalm 127 v 3

Phnom Penh City Church


Church in the building again

There is wonderful news to report that our city church has been able to meet again. Last month churches were given the go ahead to reopen. There are still some safety measures that have to be adhered to but everyone in the fellowship was so happy to be able to meet in person together again after not doing that for nearly 7 months.

Last month our first men’s online conference took place. The topic of addiction was discussed and different men led talks on areas of addiction. Following the conference some men got in touch with our team from church and there is follow up work and support taking place for these men.

We thank God that people have been impacted by the women and men’s conferences that have taken place over the past few months.

The church are continuing to do devotions online. If you would like to view these devotions please see the Elim Cambodia Facebook page.


Be Free Cambodia and The Early Learning Centre

Be Free


The girls in Be Free are continuing to work hard each day and they continue to have daily devotions and study the bible every Friday.

In spite of the difficulties that Covid-19 has caused, in Be Free we are thankful that some new opportunities to work with other organizations within Cambodia have arisen.

Please pray for each of these opportunities and more connections with other organizations in Cambodia.

Early Learning Centre


Children enjoying playtime

The Early Learning Centre has continued to be open and has been able to remain a safe place for the children to learn.

There is a lot of interest from new children and families who want to join the ELC.

Please be praying for the team as they make decisions about the ELC and how to best keep the children and staff safe at this time.


Church Planting News


Some of the church planting team

This week the church planting team will go to 5 different provinces to share the vision of ‘One Village One Church’ with new pastors and partners.

The hope is that new pastors and leaders will share and join this vi- sion and go to their own provinces and plant churches there.

Please pray for the church planting team as they will travel long journeys across Cambodia and be away from their own families.

It is so encouraging to see God move in these great ways. People are hungry for God and many leaders and Pastors are passionate about seeing their country won for God.

In Kep there is an opportunity for a min- istry with a men’s football team. This will be a great opportunity to reach and impact these men.


English Classes


Young People enjoying ice-cream

Last month we were able to take some of the young people from our community English classes out for ice-cream.

All the young people were happy to go out and it was great that we could spend some more time with them after so many months of not being able to meet together.

The English classes in Kep are also going well.

Roger and Mayann are running these classes from the church in Kep. Each day that they run the classes they are having good turn outs from children and teenagers who are all eager to learn English.

Prayer Points

  • The church planting team and the vision casting meetings that will take place this week.
  • Please keep praying for the safety and health of the children in Cambodia. Not all of the children have returned to school yet, please remember these children as they continue to wait to start school.
  • Pray for the men who responded to the topics that were discussed on the online conference.


Read the full newsletter here


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