Elim Cambodia

Newsletter August 2020

Greetings from Dren



Church elder and key member of the Church Planting team

Thank you for your support and love for Elim Cambodia. It has been a busy month here and God has moved in great ways. One young man has given his life to Jesus and some young people have been baptized. Even in all the uncertain- ties and difficulties, God is at work in people’s lives.

We praise God for all He is doing.

God Bless you,

For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods”. Psalm 95 v 3

Phnom Penh City Church


Young people getting baptised

Our ladies conference online was a success. All of our team worked so hard to produce this conference and we were thankful for the encouragement we received.

Last month 4 young men moved into accommodation in Phnom Penh with the help of Elim church. They are being mentored by the church and our prayer is that they will each come to know Jesus. Last week during the Khmer New Year holiday that was postponed from April this year, some people from the church went to Kep. Three of these young men went also and one of them gave his life to Jesus during this time. Praise God! Please keep praying for the other boys and for this young man that he will grow strong in his faith and walk with God.

On a separate trip 7 young people that are closely connected to Elim church went to Kep. On this trip they had fellowship and lots of fun and they also learnt more about God. 7 young people decided to get baptised during this trip. It was such a special time for everyone involved.


Be Free Cambodia and The Early Learning Centre

Be Free


New Face masks

Unfortunately the girl we reported last month, who was due to start in Be Free is no longer able to.

We have had a few more connections with different organizations and we trust that in God’s perfect timing we will have more girls joining the programme.

The 2 girls currently in the programme are doing well and continue to work and study English and learn more of the bible.

They have been busy this month making beautiful face masks for the staff at Elim.

Early Learning Centre


Children learning about the weather

The children have all had a good first month back at the ELC

It is good to see them learning again and to hear their singing and game playing as you pass by their learning rooms.

The staff continue to do all they can to help improve the education of the children. The leader of the Preschool room, Chanthy, has been learning how to search the internet to find homework and resources to aid the children’s learning. It is encouraging to see her enthusi- asm and how she cares so much about the children’s learning.


Church Planting News


Food packages ready to go

This past month the church was gifted more money to help those in need during this time.

One of our elders raised money as he completed a running challenge in the memory of his uncle who sadly passed away earlier this year due to Covid-19.

Because of these generous dona- tions the Church Planting team were able to provide more food packages for people in Cambodia.

Pastor Chamnap is still planning how he can continue the Church Planting course that was started last year with different pastors from around Cambodia. So far 9 provinces in Cambodia have been reached by this vision, ‘One Villlage, One Church’.

We pray that over the next few years all of the provinces in Cambodia will be impacted by this. Please pray for the training that still needs to take place and the difficulties of this because of the restrictions with Covid-19.


English Classes


Young People in Kep

Last month a trip was organized to go to Kep a seaside province about 4 hours away from the city. Some young people from the church were going and one of the community English students also went. This was an amazing answer to prayer. This young boy spent a few days having fun, fellowship and worship with the other young people. Please pray for him and for the impact that this time will have had on him.

Please keep praying for the other students.

We are still unable to meet in person to study but continue to learn online via Zoom.

Prayer Points

  • The 4 young men who have moved into a house near to Elim Church.
  • Please pray for the new strategy that is being put together for the church planting work. Pray for God’s direction in this.
  • Pray for the young people who recently got baptized. For the follow up of this time and for each of them to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.


Read the full newsletter here


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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!