Online worship experience
Some days you are just not able to get to a church service or on other days, a church meeting can't be held. So we've created an example of an online worship service that could be produced by any church which others can experience from their home.
While some of our Elim churches live stream their Sunday services, even when the congregation is unable to meet together due to circumstances beyond their control, others do not have the facilities to do so. So here is an example of an online worship service that most churches could easily produce by creating a page on their website, adding some existing worship videos produced by various worship teams which also include lyrics, recording and uploading teaching using a webcam, smart phone or video camera.
You can view this page on your PC, smartphone or smart TV. If you are with others, just assign someone to take the lead using the following worship songs, readings and teaching.
Try this example service below and consider how you could create something for your church. Alternatively, search for one of many Elim churches that provide a live stream of their Sunday Service such as Kensington Temple, Rediscover Church or Edinburgh Elim.
Whether you are with your family, or by yourself, begin by reading these verses aloud, declaring these truths in power and boldness.
The earth is the LORD’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it; for he has founded it on the seas, and established it on the rivers. Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD? And who shall stand in his holy place? Those who have clean hands and pure hearts, who do not lift up their souls to what is false, and do not swear deceitfully. Psalm 24:1-4 NRSV
Move into a time of sung worship using these 3 worship videos. Enter full screen mode and follow the lyrics on the screen.
One hope - Elim Sound
Way Maker - Leeland
Teaching (38:26)
Watch Gavin Calver share this encouraging message at the Elim Leaders Summit 2019 - How can we remain passionately committed to sharing the Gospel?
Online offering
Does your church have an online giving page? Take this opportunity to support the ministry of your church with your offering. Or you can give to the national ministry of Elim here.
Bring this worship event to an end with a time of prayer.
3 tips on how to pray - Pete Greig (1:30)
Finish with a concluding prayer. Then share community by finding out the immediate needs and concerns of your family and friends. Or consider those around you in your neighbourhood and how you can bring the good news of the gospel in your actions and words this week.
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