Elim España Newsletter February 2020

Hello from us here in Benalmadena, Spain

1Thank you so much for supporting the Lords work here. We have been so busy that we missed letting you know what has been happening, sorry.

We truly appreciate your loving support of us here and for the work the Lord is doing. We are really encouraged to know that you have seen the need to take the gospel to those who don ´t know Jesus as Saviour yet.

As you all know we are not a big group of people here (don ´t want to say... we ´re a small church) so we need to do a bit of everything, practical and spiritual, which means we have the opportunity to be very hands on. We have a wonderful team who are getting tired and we pray for more workers who will be able to help us in the mission that God has decreed for Spain.

We have so many challenges and opportunities before us please pray to see how YOU can be a part of the Mission to reach Spain with the gospel.

In Benalmadena our meetings are bi- lingual, English/Spanish, we have 15 different nationalities, so our culture has to be Kingdom culture. Last week we had the tremendous joy of a young couple with a baby giving their lives to the Lord. They are from Brazil and have immediately volunteered to help us reach out to the lost in a town that is behind the mountains called Coin.

In Benalmadena we have started a new Sunday meeting, it is completely in Spanish led by Pastor Lucy & Bruno. It is in very early days and so far the small core working group has been established, they are reaching out to the Spanish speaking people of this town, with great faith and commitment.


Planting a new church in the town of Coin


We are reaching out with our bible study group to start a new church. Please pray it will be fruitful.

In Coin we have for the past 18 months had a small bible study with 4 people who live there. We have been praying and asking the Lord for an open door and premises to hold Revival Meetings. A couple of weeks ago our Spanish son-in-law Bruno was at work and met a pastor of an evangelical church in Coin who has offered us the use of his church building for a Tuesday evening meeting in English. The first one will be on the 18 th February 2020. We will try to outreach for 6 months and then re- evaluate.

Please pray - that we will be able to reach the lost and those who have wandered away from the Lord, our resources are very limited in all natural areas, however, we are rich spiritually, praise God.


We had a fabulous national conference last November. Our guest speaker was Pastor Finny from India and our heavenly Father blessed us all and encouraged us that, as His Ambassadors He has equipped His church to walk in His call in this land of Spain. The challenge is huge. There are less than 1.00% evangelical Christians in Spain.

Only with God will it be possible to reach this land with the gospel.


The picture above shows a wonderful group of people who are our leaders and their partners, together with pastor Finney from India, taken at our conference in 2019

It is an honour for Sue and I to lead the Elim work throughout Spain as President and Secretary of the Federation. We have seen the movement grow and new churches being planted, especially in the North. God is on the move in Spain and we now have eight pastors and we accepted seven ministers in training at the last conference.


When people think of Missions, do they think of Spain? Lots of people don ´t, they think of Africa, Asia not Europe.

There are more Christians in Egypt than in Spain so we have a lot to do. Here we have a form of religion which inhibits the true gospel being received, and although on the surface it appears that all is well in Spain there are many people caught up in difficult lives, prostitution, drugs, alcoholism, broken families, broken people, destitution and worst of all so many are lost.

The greatest need is for Salvation.


Please pray - because we have lost some of our financial support and although we know our Lord has all things in His hands and we will not let it stop our outreach, we have a real need. There is a lack of work here and many people with many needs. Income has not risen for most; it has decreased for many since the law changed to restrict the amount of hours people can be employed for which is causing hardship. As you know there is not a social system here that people can fall back on and utilities, rent and food prices increase.

We were hoping that financial giving would increase not decrease because we really do need help and have been unable to find missionary help and were thinking that the only route was to employ someone, this is impossible presently.

We are hopeful we can clear the mortgage before we retire so the next leadership team will not have that pressure.

Please pray for the furtherance of His Kingdom here and the part you have in His Mission to Spain. It never ceases to amaze us how God can use two kids from Leicester, although we have more years now, we are still those kids. Never doubt how God can use you when you say Here am I, use me. Thank you and God Bless You. Sue and Howard

Read the whole newsletter here

Read more about the Coleys here


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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!