
Limitless Pioneers - June 2019

Limitless Ellesmere Port share their story

In this month's Pioneer Stories, Jamie Price heads up the M6 to Ellesmere Port in the Northwest of England to visit Limitless Ellesmere Port.

“One of the things that we do each week in Ellesmere Port is a bit schools work in the local Church of England school, the Ellesmere Port College,” Jamie explained. “So come with me and check out some of the things that we do each week.” 


Ian Anderson is the Chaplain at the Ellesmere Port C of E College. Talking about the work of Limitless, he commented, “One of the things I think has been tremendous has been the Limitless lunchtime sessions.” 

“A Limitless lunchtime session is about exploring the Christian faith through different themes in an informal way and in a manner that's engaging.” 

Asked about successful these sessions have been, Ian explained, “Now I might answer that with the question is if many of our students didn't encounter the Christian faith within school where would they encounter the Christian faith.” 

As well as working with the school, Limitless also partner with a local church to a run a youth group. This video shares the story of Limitless Ellesmere Port.

Asked about Limitless in Ellesmere Port, Pastor Peter Peters, Centre 4 Renewal Church, said, “When we started it seemed like a dream because at first, I remember Jamie and I chatted in the office and thought well if we have five youngsters that it's gonna be a good start. And the first night I think we had nearly 16 or 19 youngsters and it's not really gone down since then.” 

“One of the reasons why it is so exciting to me is that these young people have never been to any church. They are not those kids are brought up in a church they're completely 100% from the community.” 


Benedicta said, “When we started some people used to come alone all on their own, but now some people do you come with their brothers or their sisters or their friends. This program this you know such a way that gradually there is an inroad into their hearts about the Gospel.” 


Talking about she had learnt through helping lead Limitless, Claire commented, “Because I've never really done youth ministry I've always done Sunday School with younger children, so it's been lovely to interact with the youngsters of the town.” 


Commenting on the impact of Limitless Ellesmere Port, Pastor Peters said, “We have to double the effort to reach out these young people in the community so we are really fired up to see this progress.” 

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LIMITLESS Pioneers helps Elim churches establish new dynamic youth ministry to transform a generation of young people in their local community.

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