
Limitless Pioneers - May 2019

Limitless Stratford share their story of perseverance

What do you think of when you hear the name Stratford-upon-Avon? Most likely you thought of Shakespeare didn't you?

Well in this edition of Limitless Pioneers we are not going to talk about Shakespeare. We're going to talk about how we pioneered in Stratford-upon-avon through Limitless with Phil and Jess.


We launched Limitless Stratford in November 2017. We started really enthusiastically, really keen, really kind of excited to see what God would do. Really kind of expecting God to do something really big straight away. And that didn't happen.

It was nearly six months for us to get more than three young people regularly. The frustrations mainly were just coming here week in week and not seeing any progress or any growth. But actually, looking back on it we actually forged some really good friendships with the small number of young people that we had. And now we probably wouldn't have changed that.

I think the real success is the relationships that we are building - which is just really exciting.

We have now just started to see some of the fruit, so now the young people are starting to ask more questions like 'why do you put this on?', 'Who are you?', 'What do you do on Sunday in church?'.

Tell us about Limitless Stratford


George: It's fun. Its like got very nice kind people.


Kieran: It's more fun than staying at home.


Jo: Well if I'm honest, like when I came here, it just gave me something more to do. Usually I just go home and when I come here I get to speak to a load of new people and have a good time. Learn something new as well.

What would you say to someone who is looking to Pioneer?

Believe that God has something on the other side and change your your perspective on what that might look like, because it's not gonna look like what you think it looks like.

John Martin, minister at Stratford Elim, commented, "The impact of Limitless Pioneers has been beyond measure for our church. Not only have we seen a youth group develop mid-week and on Sundays, but we have seen young people get a passion for Jesus and reaching their community."

Prayer points


We really believe in the power of prayer and we would love you to pray for some of the following points.

The first one is we would love you to pray for the churches we've been working with the last year. Churches in Ludlow, Evesham and in Ellesmere Port. We're beginning to get to the place where we're releasing the ministry back to the local church

Please pray for the young people. Please pray for the churches and for the leaders as they look to the future.

The second thing we look to pray for it's just the future pioneers. We have worked with 11 churches so far which is fantastic. We still believe there's at least another 89, if not more, to work with.

Please pray for provision, for vision, for each church to really capture the heart of what it is to be a Limitless Pioneer Church. Maybe it might be you and maybe you're considering that and think about it. Please pray that God may just reveal some stuff to you through that.

Want to establish a new youth work in your church?


LIMITLESS Pioneers helps Elim churches establish new dynamic youth ministry to transform a generation of young people in their local community.

Need help in starting a new youth work or want to become an intern?



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