
Limitless Pioneers - March 2019

Discover the key to launching Limitless Evesham

This month's Pioneers stories starts with a Limitless Pioneers leader Jamie Price sharing a story. Unfortunately this is a sad story, but does it have a happy ending?

We've been working in Evesham for a number of months now. That started off with launching out and having our first night eight young people come along which is fantastic. Eight young people turned into three young people, which turned into two which turned into a one. We got to a moment where one evening we had no young people whatsoever.

We were deflated. We were sad. We were downbeat. As a team a few months later we met together and decided we were going to do an outreach to the town.

We gave out free doughnuts to young people on their way home from school. Then we decided we were going to have a pizza night to relaunch this group and thankfully this story turned into a happy one.


What's been happening since pizza night?

A part of the Evesham Pioneer story is that we have been partnering with another Elim church to help get this outreach off the ground.


Josh, who is a Limitless Redditch youth worker, explains what happened.

Why are you and your team helping Limitless Elim?

I guess we wanted to help them because we've grown our youth group from very small to something bigger. One of our biggest things is we wanted our team to have some experience of starting something straight from scratch.

We've got lots of new leaders coming in and we wanted them to see how to grow something straight from scratch.

Where did the idea come from?

At Limitless Leaders, the annual gathering of Elim youth leaders, Jamie Price put up a map of the country showing all of the Elim churches. It also highlighted the ones that did not have a youth group.

I thought, 'Oh look. There's Evesham Church!' That was kind of the original thoughts and we contacted Jamie. We thought maybe this is something that we could help with.


How are you personally benefitting?

I think I'm learning quite a lot actually because you get used to your own comfort zone. You get used to speaking to the same people. It's nice to actually be pushed out into somewhere else that might be a little bit uncomfortable or a little bit challenging but you have to learn to think on your feet and you have to learn to adapt.


What would you say to someone who's considering helping another church? Step up and step out - don't be afraid to do it. I would encourage you to get in touch with the Limitless Pioneers team. Ask them how can I get involved? How can I help?

It's really rewarding at the end of the day. I think if we can get past the concept of just our churches and that we are all one church, we are all part of God's church and we all pass something bigger, I think it's just really beneficial. I think it's great.

Want to establish a new youth work in your church?


LIMITLESS Pioneers helps Elim churches establish new dynamic youth ministry to transform a generation of young people in their local community.

Need help in starting a new youth work or want to become an intern?

Visit limitlesselim.co.uk/pioneers

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