
Limitless Pioneers - February 2019

Limitless Pioneers helps to establish 11th youthwork

In this update, Jamie Price introduces the work of Limitless Pioneers, celebrates the new youthwork opened in Ludlow and gives you a glimpse into the volunteer training in Malvern.

Hey everybody. My name is Jamie and I am the Pioneers team leader overseeing the project. I want to welcome you to Pioneers Stories.

So you may be asking what is Limitless Pioneers? Well, Limitless Pioneers is where we work with Elim churches that currently aren't reaching young people to help them reach young people in their local communities.

What is Pioneers Stories?

We started Pioneer Stories as a place to share what's happening with Limitless Pioneers. Each month there will be interviews. There'll be updates. We'll be looking ahead to what's coming up and also really importantly, there will be prayer points so there hopefully you can pray along with us as to what's happening in the coming weeks and months ahead.

What has been going on so far?

Up until this point we work with at 10 different local churches and reach young people in those communities. So far we've seen some amazing stuff happening through Limitless Pioneers

What has been going on?

So last month we launched our 11th pioneer's project in Ludlow - so exciting! Here are some stories about what's been happening so far.

When did Limitless Ludlow launch?


“Limitless Ludlow launched on 17 January 2019 and so it's our third session tonight. The sessions have been very good. The first week we had four young people; the second week we had nine. So there is a bit of momentum and it's going well.”

What are you excited about for the coming months?


“Probably more people coming and joining in.”

“New games!”

What would Limitless Ludlow like prayer for in the coming months?


“That we keep making the connections and we actually develop their trust.”

“Those that come to ask the questions; that God really meets with them and they really go on a journey of discovery.”

What is your vision for Limitless Ludlow?

“That we have far too many people for the size of the church that would be great. If our biggest problem is that we have a find somewhere a bigger, that's a wonderful problem.”

Limitless Pioneers Volunteers Training


Three times a year we run training days to equip and empower our local church Pioneers volunteers. So here are some of the stories from this month's session.

If you're sending a young person off to Uni and you want them to survive, it's this whole thing about them setting off on a journey. You don't just throw things in a suitcase and hope that they're gonna get to Uni. You intentionally pack with them, putting inside the suitcase the things that you want them to take into that environment in order to survive.

How has the training empowered you in your youth ministry?


“The reality of young people has changed over the years and how we can relate to them yet still not compromising the Gospel.”

“We need to know what it is that we're trying to do. There are so many resources out there. So many different things that you can access. So many different things to do as a youth ministry. If you know what it is that you're trying to do you can pass everything through that filter.”

What is one thing you are taking away from this months training?


“The mission never ever changes but our model does - with the way that our generation changes, like the youth.”


“I think just getting together with other people who are doing youth work. It just gives you a sense that you are a family. That you're not any on your own and there are other the people that you can learn from share with.”

Want to establish a new youth work in your church?


LIMITLESS Pioneers helps Elim churches establish new dynamic youth ministry to transform a generation of young people in their local community.

Need help in starting a new youth work or want to become an intern?

Visit limitlesselim.co.uk/pioneers


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