
103 responses to the gospel message at LIMITLESS Festival

We had an incredible week of encounter at Limitless Festival, where 103 young people made responses to gospel appeals - 55 for the very first time in their lives, and 48 making recommitments to Jesus. Wonderful!

God moved in powerful ways across the site, as some of the youth leaders attending shared with us…

“Two of our group made a commitment to follow Jesus, [including] one of our 14-year-olds the first night in the youth meeting. Exciting! The same 14-year-old girl was completely engaged with worshipping Jesus all week and had some very deep ministry time during the evening meeting. What followed was a very long phone call to her Mum … [who] messaged me to say “God literally touched her heart, she was so emotional and happy!”

“Two of our young people made first time commitments last week. They are both young ladies (12 and 14) from nonChristian family backgrounds – this is a great result for the kingdom … and reflects the encountering presence of God at the Limitless Festival! We are grateful to God for such a treasure of blessing.”

“Most of our youth, I’ll be honest, we had to practically force to come. At the start of the week, we were putting up our own tents. By the end, we were helping each other pack down and having a laugh with one another doing it. At the start of the week, we were timid and at the back of the venues. By the end, we were at the front jumping and praising God and praying for strangers. God is good. On return to church on Sunday, God continued to move as young people went around praying for the older people and we saw the Spirit of God move. I have young people texting me left, right and centre about how best to read the Bible and even wanting to share on stage. So be encouraged all of you. What an amazing job you are all doing … I’m excited about the future. Praise God!”

One grandmother contacted us to share her story….

I want to say a big thank you for Limitless. My granddaughter, Faith, gave her heart to Jesus on Tuesday night. It’s her first time away, she loved every minute! I bought her a new Bible as she wants to know more and more about Jesus, and with people and events like you do, she’s in the right place. She said to me yesterday, “Nan, I never knew how much you can enjoy a festival without drink and drugs, and I told my mum that!”

LIMITLESS Festival is THE GATHERING of the LIMITLESS community in August each year. With three dynamic venues for kids, youth and young adults, LIMITLESS Festival is the declaration of a generation who exceed the limits of their expectation.


Don't miss out - join us in August 2019! Details: 

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Director of LIMITLESS

Tim Alford lives in Malvern with is wife Jen, son Tobijah and daughter Aria.

He is the National Director of LIMITLESS, the youth movement of Elim Pentecostal Churches in the UK and Ireland. He is a passionate communicator of the gospel, having spoken at churches, conferences, schools and events all over the world. Tim is the former frontman of [dweeb], a frustrated supporter of Arsenal, and has on more than one occasion been to the cinema in Star Wars fancy dress.


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