
Danielle Face

How can young people MAP out their future as a missionary?

Elim Missions has been sharing the gospel since 1919, and it’s never been easier to get involved. Danielle Face explains more.

Elim’s Missionary Apprentice Programme (MAP) is designed for young adults to explore the reality of missions, and the opportunities are endless.

MAP is an exciting two-year track of learning that provides a wider global perspective and is designed for those with a growing interest in international missions, yet who may be stuck on what to do with that passion.

Within this informal programme, which runs alongside full-time work or study, each student has a personal missionary mentor, access to the Elim Missions team, training days, and the support of other ‘Mappers’ on a similar journey through the monthly online community hubs. All this culminates in ‘Mappers’ putting their theory into practice during the optional annual mission trip!

MAP is a safe way to begin to explore world mission, and in that way it is very different to my own story when, daunted and excited and only 17, I packed my bags and moved to Africa to work as a missionary.

Exploring missions alone took me on an incredible journey from evangelising in African mud huts to spear-fishing in the Pacific Islands and training new missionaries to share the gospel with unreached people groups.

It was incredible to watch God move in the miraculous, to see blind eyes opened, the lame walking and the deaf hearing. However, I definitely wish I had been equipped to handle some of the practicalities of cross-cultural ministry before I left the UK, and that is exactly what we have designed MAP to do.

Here’s what a few of our current crew have to say about their experience so far:

“I find MAP is a great way to meet people, learn about God’s amazing ways and grow together in experiences and your relationship in God.” Carmella Lewis

“MAP is very helpful for those who may wish to become a missionary and it’s still truly inspirational and educational for those who don’t. Joining MAP is great and well worth a try.” Ben Epton

“MAP has helped me understand what mission really means, not just the idea of going to different countries but that mission is something that God has called us to do, wherever we are or wherever we go – your mission field is wherever you are. I have loved getting to know the MAP team, and to be surrounded with people who have the same passion really encourages me to keep pursuing my dreams and calling. I have loved meeting other missionaries and hearing their inspiring stories.” Vicky Argue

Forty-two percent of the world has still never heard of Jesus, which is why we need to work together to see the fulfilment of Matthew 28:19-20 to ‘go and make disciples of all nations’.

MAP costs just £50 (excluding trips). For more information e-mail or visit

Danielle Face

Making international mission possible
From school planting to gospel sharing to supporting those rescued from sex trafficking, Elim missionaries are making a huge difference around the world.
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