

10 resources to impact your children's work

At the start of the New Year, Emma Price provides a collection of resources for children's workers to help them develop their kids ministry.

The decorations are down, and the mince pies have grown stale, and maybe like me, you are wondering how to kick-start your children’s ministry in 2018, making sure that it too hasn’t lost its sparkle and freshness.

I asked a few of Elim’s children's workers from up and down the country for their favourite tried and tested resources. Here are their top 10 suggestions, in no particular order!

1. Starting Out In Children's Ministry – Alison Mitchell

A handy and useful guide to work through for new team members or as a refreshing detox to the more established leader. It is practical, passionate, encouraging and inspiring. Great reviews and not expensive.


2. Mission Magic

Usable, simple and clever magic tricks, a creative and engaging way to communicate the gospel. These resources are ideal for assemblies and all age worship. ‘The Magic Colouring Bible’ and ‘Dissolving Paper’ come highly recommended.


3. Connected Hearts – Elaine Webster

Bible-based, interactive, spirit-led Sunday teaching curriculum with space for God to his thing! Easy to use by the team and easy to engage with and relate to or the kids.


4. Urban Saints – Energize

Online teaching resources on a wealth of topics, and more facilities besides to support and encourage you and your team – meeting plans, discipleship and training.


5. Jelly Telly

Subscription-based media streaming from the creator of VeggieTales – 1,540 episodes from 111 shows. Includes a teaching programme through the bible – media based.


6. Olly & Helen Goldenberg

A number of recommended resources:

Give Me 5 – Icebreakers, activities and more to help and engage kids in any setting or programme.

The Josiah Generation – A look at Josiah and a reminder of what God is raising his children to be today – a source of real inspiration.

Early Steps With Jesus – A training programme for crèche workers and a great reminder that we have a responsibility to even our youngest church members.


7. Diary Of A Disciple – Gemma Willis

Told in the same style and images of the popular Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Gemma Willis & Emma Randall have written Diary of a Disciple ‘Lukes Story and ‘Peter & Pauls Story’, taking this popular style and format it proves very popular with older kids.


8. Good News Bible - Rainbow Edition

Child-friendly format and language, illustrations and perfect for those of primary age. It lets get kids reading Gods word and using it as their ‘go to’ handbook.


9. Inspire Schools

A wide selection of interactive talks for teaching on a variety of topics in an entertaining, truth-filled, applicational and fun way, perfect for assemblies and kids programmes. Easy to download and follow, with free resources and monthly updates. After a website re-vamp, Sunday teaching series are soon to follow.


10. Playdoh, Bubble Machines, Fairy Lights and more!!

Some things don’t need to be complicated or expensive right! Everyday items can become the best resources.

Playdoh becomes a great creative prayer tool or conversation starter, bubbles speak of resurrection and a fairy light can transform a room and an atmosphere to meet with God. Be ready to use your God-given imagination, check out Pinterest for ideas.

So hopefully this has got you stirred up from your post-Christmas slumber and all set for 2018. Never forget what a great resource you are, or the great resource we have in each other when we work together encouraging one another.


Join us for the Children's Worker stream at Elim Leaders Summit 2018

Don’t forget the Children’s Worker stream at this years Elim Leadership Summit in May, a perfect opportunity for us all to come together and resource each other. This new leaders track will equip children's workers with fresh perspectives and practical tools to use in children's ministry.

Never been to the Elim Leaders Summit? There are 100 free places available for children's workers who have not been to the summit before. Full details of this offer are available on our summit website.

Find out more at and contact your minister to get booked in.

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