
5 key reasons why the church needs women's ministry

1. For Unity

Gossip, envy and other insecurities that bring disunity have been over associated with woman. However, many women’s ministries across the Church are coming together and living out a very different reputation.

When we gather in godliness, beautiful unity is unleashed, we grow, the young are trained, the old are honoured, the lost are reached, needs are met, justice is brought and God’s kingdom comes. The whole Church benefits when woman unite together.

2. For Men

We need to remember that men are not our girlfriends and they cannot replace the need we have for female relationships in our lives. The idea that men can be easier to get on with than with other girls is no reason to neglect sisterhood. We can be disappointed if they don’t always respond the way we need.

Some days, and some issues, just need a woman’s touch. Titus 2 highlights the need for woman to teach younger women. Men were never meant to take all of the responsibility.

3. For Growth

As women we are amazingly different. There is no real stereotype to be confined to. It’s been said that the single woman doesn’t want to keep hearing about the married woman, the childless hears too much about the new mother, the homemaker has no time for the businesswoman and the young have little in common with the old. We are to be all things to all people.

Why be divided when all situations, seasons and callings can mix up and share wisdom from each group together? Even though there is no gender in heaven, on earth we are designated with that common denominator of being women who are each seeking to be all God has intended us to be.

4. For Femininity

God did not make us masculine. Some women may have beautiful broad shoulders or be the boss in the workplace, but they are still feminine. Try masculinity on for size and it won’t suit. The terms ‘girly girl’ and ‘tomboy’ are often labelled to determine how masculine of feminine you are. Whichever side you fall on, consider yourself feminine and nothing less. Why confuse the situation when the world is so confused already?

You can delight in femininity and still rate football or shopping, eat burgers or afternoon tea. Femininity is not weak or frilly, it’s armour from God. Women’s ministry can be accused of too much pink and fluff. Meetings are not always what we want them to be, but minor things like a colour scheme or décor should not alienate or dictate our participation. A bit of fluff doesn’t hurt anybody, but criticism and division is another matter. After all, Jesus himself was a lamb and a bit of ‘softness’ was good enough for him.

5. For Others

The first time I experienced women’s ministry it changed my life. Has every woman’s meeting been this way? No! Meetings can be corny with cliché concepts, and at times we may be discouraged. But have grace and you’ll quickly realise that if you don’t take part with other women your kind of woman or ministry style may never be represented. The enemy must not stop us from getting up, getting dressed and turning up regardless.

Our seasons, colours and callings may be different, but those are the details that make our women’s ministry more interesting. Together we are mobilised to understand, reach and teach one another. Ultimately we come together for God, to see his kingdom come.

God uses women’s gatherings to do some pretty significant things. But in our absence, we may miss the girl we were supposed to bring life to, or miss the pearl of wisdom we were supposed to receive. And there is a great need for woman’s ministries in our churches as it prepares and makes room for lost girls to come home. Jesus always made room for them.

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