Elim Leaders Summit Early Bird savings end on 30 November!

Don’t miss out! With only days remaining, this is your opportunity to lock in the Early Bird pricing for the Elim Leaders Summit 2025. Act now to take advantage of these time-limited discounts!

The Summit offers an incredible opportunity for your church leaders to learn, connect, and grow together, with sessions focused on identifying, equipping, and releasing each ministry gift within your team.

Join us from 13-15 May 2025 at the Harrogate Convention Centre as we venture together to Equip the Saints. Book your tickets online today at elimleaders.org.uk

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News story of the ages
Don’t get so wrapped up in the gift-buying and parties that you overlook the biggest news of the season, writes Phil Weaver
Standing in awe of the living God
We need our hearts to be stirred with an awe and wonder at God’s holiness, explains Jamie Lavery
We’re not sheepish about spreading the joy of Jesus!
Why do joy and laughter matter at Christmas? As Riding Lights Theatre Company toured the UK with its Christmas special show, Erin Burbridge explains its importance...
Current job vacancies
Discover the latest vacancies at Elim International Centre in Malvern. Who do you know that could fill these roles?
Messy Church: It’s church, but not as you know it
How is Messy Church bringing the Christmas story to unchurched local families? The organisation’s Aike Kennett-Brown explains...
Limitless Pioneers establish new youth groups
LIMITLESS Pioneers helps Elim churches establish new dynamic youth ministry to transform a generation of young people in their local community.
Book now for the Elim Leaders Summit
Equipping co-missioned leaders to thrive in purposeful mission. Join us in person on 13-15 May 2025 in Harrogate.
We need to be like farmers
Elim’s project lead for church growth seeks to navigate an age-old tension in church growth
Elim joins faith leaders who oppose Bill to legalise assisted suicide
Mark Pugh, General Superintendent of Elim Pentecostal Churches, joins with major UK faith leaders to warn that a right to die could too easily end in vulnerable people feeling they have a duty to die.
Minority Report
Whatever the majority view might be we must hold to the truth, argues Malcolm Duncan. Otherwise, we are finished. In this article, he discusses opinions on the issues of assisted dying and marriage.
Songwriting is like therapy for me
In his seventh album ‘Kingdom’ Ian Yates takes a heartfelt look at the kingdom of God. Ahead of its release this month, Ian took Chris Rolfe behind the songwriting scenes to discover what inspired it
How can Elim be really good news in the footballing community?
Robin Greenwood introduces a sports charity that works with local churches to reach out to people through their love of football
Songwriting is like therapy for me
In his seventh album ‘Kingdom’ Ian Yates takes a heartfelt look at the kingdom of God. Ahead of its release this month, Ian took Chris Rolfe behind the songwriting scenes to discover what inspired it
Our dream is to build a Polish church for Elim
Newly ordained Elim ministers Monika and Pawel Kuzniar have a dream to reach the Polish community in London and pave the way for future evangelism in Poland
Oakes grows into calling!
Every Saturday, Lydia Oakes takes to the air and presents UCB2’s early evening show. But life behind a microphone wasn’t her original career plan. She spoke to Chris Rolfe
How our members are becoming Kingdom citizens
What does it look like when a church adopts a Kingdom mindset? Newcastle’s Kingdom Life Church is focused on finding out, says pastor John Bullock


  Discover more at elim.org.uk/events

Can ministry take place on TikTok?
During a Digital Debate, a host of Elim members shared how they are using the platform in exciting ways to share the gospel
Awakening healthy leaders
In a season where Christian leadership is under more pressure than ever, we need to lead from a place of confidence, wisdom, spiritual, emotional, and physical health
Watch the Elim Ordination Service 2024
Join us online for this year's Elim Ordination Service to be held on Saturday 8 June 2024.
A defining moment as Mark Pugh becomes Elim's new national leader
During the Elim Leaders Summit 2024, Chris Cartwright formally stepped aside as Elim's General Superintendent with Mark Pugh becoming the new national leader.