

Can you imagine every Elim church uniting nationally behind the gospel? How exciting and significant would that be?

Alpha exists to support your church in its mission to share the good news of Jesus. So we invite you to run Alpha from your church as part of Elim's strategic evangelism partnership with Alpha.

You can host Alpha in your church, in homes or online, utilising the free Alpha resources and videos. 

We'll encourage you along with way, connecting you with Alpha, letting you run your event in the best way that reaches your community at a time that best suits you.

Whether you have done it before, or if this is the first time, in-person or online, will you join us in reaching as many people with the gospel?

Discover more about Elim's evangelism partnership with Alpha at

United to run Alpha TOGETHER

Elim is joining together again to run an Elim-wide Alpha initiative this Autumn, commencing on Wednesday 20 September 2023. Will you join us?

The great thing about Alpha is that you have several different ways to host these events. You can run Alpha in person, either in your church or people’s homes. Or you can even run it online. The choice is yours.

To assist smaller churches, we are currently looking at ways for smaller churches to join other churches for an Elim Online Alpha. Keep informed by signing up to our email list.



Are there really 5 reasons not to do Alpha? Can Marie help Mark to overcome them?

Watch Marie Aitken, who is a Senior Relationship Manager for Alpha UK, help Mark Greenwood, Elim's National Evangelist, overcome 5 reasons not to do Alpha. Then sign up to join us for Alpha Together.

We want as many Elim churches as possible to run Alpha locally. You can host Alpha in your church, in homes or even online, utilising the free Alpha resources and videos. We'll encourage you along with way, connecting you with Alpha, letting you run your event in the best way that reaches your community at a time that best suits you.

WHAT ARE our plans FOR Alpha?


In 2021, Mark Greenwood and Nicky Gumbel discuss the impact of Alpha Online.


Mark Greenwood shares Elim's evangelism strategic vision and highlights a person’s journey to Christ.